Monday, May 4, 2015

Individual Commercial

i bet you like singing in the shower. have you ever wanted to sing in the shower? but couldn't because your peers yell at you? no longer will you suffer a rhythumless life. we have designed a new kind of shower that blocks out the annoying sound waves that the human body naturally produces while inside a bathing station.
the soundproof shower is a revolutionary new bathtub device. we visit our friend alyssa and her mom and britney spaaers, no relation to britney spears, the singer.
want to be a perfect person who sings perfectly? buy the soundproof shower.
who do you want to hear you in the shower? you can download your favorite artists latest albums.
you may be wondering? is this really the shower for me? it is. if our showers blow up or catch fire, or electricute someone, we are not responsible for death or injury.

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