Thursday, September 18, 2014


  I learned with this project, that communication with your peers is essential to a group project

What will you apply to my next project?
With my next project I will use better time management, and also make sure that if I'm the main actor, I don't get my haircut halfway through filming
Collaboration is two or more people coming together and making something new.
This project was very helpful in understanding group projects more in depth, I realize now that sometimes it’s better to work in a team.
Someone to help you out is sometimes all you need to makes everything better. Also with this project I met Julia and Ryan, they were pretty rad and awesome, they were really nice, and positive.
And made me feel less lonely while I was filming.

In other words, group projects are essential to a good filming career. I certainly liked being the main star, except for that one scene where my butt looked awkward.

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