Friday, September 16, 2016

Name Typography Project

In this project, we were asked to describe ourselves by making 12 different versions of our name in various typefaces. The purpose of this project was to help the junior class become more comfortable manipulating type in illustrator. My process included drawing up sketches, scanning them in, and editing the kerning of the types. I went through many critiques from my peers and I can honestly say that I like the way they turned out. I didn't learn a bunch along the way because I learned this last year and i've been using it over the summer as well. I did learn how to use Behance, which is new to me. I also exercised my skills on trying to meet deadlines by using my time over the weekend to polish it over. I would not do anything different if I did it over again. This shows my hard work very well. With this first project i've met new people in class who i sufficiently like. I'm glad ive met so many nice people. Their opinions I will take into consideration next time just like this time.

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