Friday, October 24, 2014

Logo Color Use

Blue Resembles trust, and a  calming atmosphere.
the tumblr logo is very accurate. tumblr is my favorite website, its better than any other website in the world in my opinion, its a far better blogging platform than google's blogger.
in fact google's blogger is so horrible, that i downloaded the app because i had to and it would not stop crashing, and also it was not aesthetically pleasing to my eyes.
tumblr on the other hand is so beautiful, and offers many features to connect with the community.
it is very calming, just like the blue signifies that it should be.
it is a cool color, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, intelligence, and faith, are all things that symbolize tumblr. tumblr is an intelligent environment, and full of wisdom. The people on it are very striking, and very passionate about what they do.
The creator of tumblr must have researched the color blue and thought to himself “yes this is very good, I shall take over the world with this”.

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