Friday, November 21, 2014

My Logo: adobe illustrator practice.

At first the scope of my project was to make a logo that was fearsome, and not at all welcoming, a humorous corporate stooge parody almost. but then i realized that people might not get the humor aspect of it, I feel that this does a great job at not making people fear me, so thats an accomplishment.

Pre production was surprisingly easy, i had a concept that was full proof, but i wanted to still be spontaneous in what i came up with. I think that when you put a restricting chain around yourself, you have no room to grow as a human being emotionally.

I learned very interesting things while navigating illustrator, and i think that now i have enough knowledge to apply to my next projects. Also i worked with Abbey along the way, and got some great inspiration just throwing ideas at her and discussing the elements that were used in past logos that we've seen.

I wouldn't do much differently to be honest, i think that i put some very hard work into this piece.

i like my idea of shadows with text, the stroke tool and me are practically best friends, and i feel that my final product was awesome.

i like how i used a very basic typeface and dressed it up the way i did, i will definitely be using that more soon.

anyway i think that this is a very good piece and look forward to more projects.

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