Friday, August 29, 2014

   (⊙_)American Queen Is The American Dream ˚✧

Well my myer briggs personality type is ENFP and i think that it was very spot on. it totally describes who i am, even though its only in a couple paragraphs. 〈( ^.^)ノ It also said that i am a champion, while I might not be a champion, I'm still going to accept this compliment.
I Am an extrovert, I focus on the future, and the potential. I Value feelings more than logic.

  1. How well do you think your type description describes you? 

    Answer: For a small paragraph it totally captured me in a nutshell.
    i am a champion, thats what it said.

    1. Does your personality type description help you to better understand why you are the way you are – and to understand why you gravitate towards some types of work, play, or activities over others? 

      Answer: well i get along with people. me and my friend actually got the same personality result so that helped us understand why we're friends.

      1. In what ways does your personality type clarify for you the role you tend to take when on a team, as part of your family, or in any other setting requiring interaction with a group? What happens when the role you need to fill matches up well with your personality type? What happens when it doesn’t? 

        Well i get along with most people. I think when someone is an introvert it may be harder to be their friend, but usually i think it works out.

  1. In what ways do you think other people have misunderstood you in the past, due to your personality type? Are there people in your life that you “have issues” with, that could at least partially be explained by the two of you not understanding or not accepting each other’s personality types? Examples!

     I don't know, I think people sometimes are less open minded than others to take in new friends when in reality, its the more people the happier we all are.

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